PU 87A 125x24 wheel

not in stock

Spare wheel for scooter NIXIN 125, Ignis 125, Viper 125,Tanker Board 125.

Diameter 125 mm
Hardness 87 A
Thickness 24 mm
Quantity in carton 0

To ask a question about the goods, please login
Name: Hayk Zakaryan
Text: Hi, do you also sell the part that is in the middle of the wheel, which stretches the wheel to scooter? And when this wheel will be available?
Name: barbora.molkova@tempish.cz
Text: Hello Hayk, we are not expect the wheels in stock in near future but I have found a wheel for you in our service. But it is with pattern. Are you interested? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Barbora Molkov Export assistant